Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Say hello to Raven.  She is one of my very, very favorite witches of the year.  I adore her!
She's rather a classic looking witch, dressed all in black.  I love her pale skin against the stark black of her clothes and her wild curly roving hair.

She has hand-painted grey eyes and subtle dark shadows and a quirky little smile.  A little raven has perched on her wrist.
I love when I find the perfect embellishment!  This black feather fringe makes the perfect cape for a witch named Raven, don't you think?
Raven was just listed in my etsy shop.  I have lots of fun Halloween spooks haunting my shop.  I hope you will go have a look around.
I will be loading up and leaving for my first show of the season just three weeks from tomorrow!  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I've never done the Holly Berry Folk Art Festival so I don't know exactly what to expect.  I hope they love my little people!  I've been working hard all summer to have a really nice selection of one of a kind pieces to show.  I can't wait to see them all displayed in a big group! 
Well, I still have lots of things to make for the upcoming shows, so I probably better get back to the studio.  Thanks for stopping by! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I've spent a good chunk of the last few months working on Halloween characters for my upcoming shows.  One morning I woke at 5:30 and the first thing that popped in my head was pirates...."I think I should make some pirates."  Ideas come to me at odd times and all hours of the day.  It keeps me on my toes, for sure! 

Now, I suppose pirates are not really Halloween.  These guys are not kids dressed as pirates, but the real deal. 

First up was Bartamus.  I had Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow in my head when I was creating this one.  I spent several long minutes shopping the yarn aisle at Hobby Lobby to come up with the right one to make dreadlocks.  I'm pleased with the results.

Initially I didn't put a beard on him, but I thought he needed one after the fact.  I gave him a '5:00 shadow' instead with some black pastels.  He just looked too clean-cut without it! 
Next was Cortez.  I wanted to do one that had Pirate's treasure in it, and also try my hand at a tri-corn hat.  I made the tiny chest and filled it with gold pieces and Swarovski crystals and some gold chain.

I love his long, pointed nose.  He does have a sinister look about him, doesn't he?

Of course, all self-respecting pirates drink their fair share (and then some) of rum, so I couldn't let this pirate theme go on without one having a bottle of rum. 
I like the combination of dreadlocks and the hat on this one.  The feather is a nice finishing touch.  Oh, and his name, of course, is Captain Morgan!
And this is Argus.  Perhaps the scariest of the bunch.  Peg-legged and carrying a walking stick made of a skull and bones, he's not one you would want to cross. 

I think he represents all things pirate. 
I intended to make one more, with a parrot on his shoulder, but it was time to move on to other ideas that were screaming to get out of my head.  I had a lot of fun with the pirates and am anxious to hear what you all think. 
It's a rainy day here today and a good day for working in the studio without feeling like I'm missing out on summer!  I'm working on Santas today.  Never too early to work on Christmas! 
Hope you have a great day!