David did my photography for quite a while, but it got hard to find a time when both of us were prepared and the light was good to have a photo shoot. Last summer he taught me enough about his fancy camera that I could venture out on my own. I think overall I've done a good job. I feel my etsy shop photos are better than most, but certainly not as good as some. I think there is always room for improvement. This weekend, we tried a different approach.
Instead of relying on natural light and using a bluish-grey backdrop, we decided to try using a light box with a white backdrop. We found a reasonably priced kit at the camera shop that included the box, backdrops in four colors and a pair of lights. Sunday we set it up and experimented. The beauty of digital photography is that you can take hundreds of pictures and if you don't like them, you just delete them and begin again. We had a couple rounds of trial and error, but finally came up with something that seemed to work. At least for now.
So, here are some pictures of one of my newest Valentine's Day creations, taken using the light box.
I'd love to hear what you think, of both the photographs and the bee. BEE MY VALENTINE is available in my etsy shop right now. I think he's absolutely adorable, but of course, I'm a little bit biased. LOL!
Time to get back to work!