Hi, everyone! I hope you had a great three-day weekend. Mine was fine, but I actually did do some work on a new craft show display, so it wasn't all fun and games for me. Today it's back to the studio....where I really love to be.
The past several weeks I have been concentrating on making Halloween and Christmas items. I love both of these holidays, as there are so many different characters I can create for them. Having enough TIME to execute all my ideas is my biggest challenge.
Meet Dracula:
I always begin my dolls with an armature made from wire and foil, and then I start layering on the polymer clay. I used white for his shirt, black for his vest and charcoal grey for his pants. I wanted his pants to have very subtle stripes, so I added skinny coils of black....a labor intensive process I think was worth the effort.. His shoes are black clay adorned with square pewter brads.
I used a custom-mixed silvery-grey color for his pale skin and gave him black hair with a widow's peak. He has tiny little vampire fangs and black eyebrows that are made from clay. His eyes are hand painted.
One of the things I love about making characters like this is that I can make the facial features very exaggerated. He's got a long skinny face, and I LOVE his long, pointy nose!
The finishing touches are always the most fun! A lace collar, a cape made of black velvet and tied with a satin ribbon, red Swavroski crystals, and my favorite part, a vial of 'blood'. (Its actually watered down red paint!) The hand-written label says "Toujours Pur Sanguin". (I'm going to admit to some Harry Potter geekery right now.....I got the phrase 'toujours pur' from the book The Order of the Phoenix. I thought it meant 'pure blood', but when I googled it, I found out it means 'always pure', so I added the 'sanguin', which means blood.)
I was working on another Dracula at the same time. I do that. I work on two similar pieces at a time--two snowmen, two Santas, two cats, etc. They are never the same, but different incarnations of the same idea. Here is the other one I worked on:
The process was much the same, the details and results very different. It was a very bittersweet moment last week when I sold this one! I've told you, I have attachment issues!! I'm THRILLED to have made the sale, don't get me wrong, but it makes me a wee bit sad to send one off! I keep reminding myself (and my husband does too) that I'm making these for OTHER PEOPLE to enjoy---I can't keep them all! :D
Well, time is ticking away quickly and my fall craft shows are going to be here before I know it! I must get to the studio!
Thanks for joining me again today!